The age at which you should start taking Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits depends on your personal financial situation, health, and retirement plans. You can begin taking CPP anytime between age 60 and 70, but the timing significantly impacts your monthly payments.

Here’s a breakdown of the key factors to consider:

Why take CPP early?

Delayed CPP (Age 65–70):

If you delay CPP past 65, your payments will increase by 0.7% per month (8.4% per year) for each month after your 65th birthday.

If you start at 70, the total increase will be 42% of your base payment.

Why delay CPP?

Monthly CPP Payment Examples

Let’s say your base CPP benefit at age 65 is $1,000/month:

When to Take CPP: Factors to Consider

Tax Implications:

CPP is taxable income. If you’re working or have other sources of income, starting CPP early could push you into a higher tax bracket.

Break-Even Age

The “break-even age” is when the total payments you would receive by delaying CPP surpass the total payments you’d receive by starting early.

Typically, the break-even age is around age 74–77, depending on your specific situation.

If you live beyond this, delaying CPP may pay off; if you don’t, starting earlier may be better.

General Recommendations

Take CPP Early (60–64):

Take CPP at 65:

You’re in average health and don’t have strong financial reasons to start early or delay.

Delay CPP (65–70):

Do you plan to invest your early CPP payments, or would you spend them immediately? If investing, we can analyze your tax situation and factor in an annual return percentage to see if it makes sense for you to do so. Contact our office for an appointment to find out.

Where you decide to continue working past the age of 65, you can still optionally contribute to your CPP account up to age 70 to receive an increased pension based on the extended contributions between 66 and 70 years of age.

To ensure you're making the right decision about when to start drawing CPP, contact our office so we can review your particular circumstances and advise you of the most beneficial strategy.